Sat, 04 Apr 2020 Feature Article

Africa Should Know This: No Contribution No Chop (NCNC)

CC: Didier Drogba And Samuel Eto
Africa Should Know This: No Contribution No Chop NCNC
04.04.2020 LISTEN

When we were kids, the guy who owned the ball was an automatic starter in the team even if he wasn’t so good at playing. The same favour was extended to his closest friends and those in his good books.

He who pays the piper calls the tune

When we contributed money to buy food, the guy who didn’t have the means to contribute was given the responsibility of washing the dishes when we are done eating. If you did not contribute to the gains but want to participate in its enjoyment, a dirty job is most likely reserved for you to compensate for your lack of contribution.

This is how the world functions. When people toil to make the world better without you, your quest to participate will always come at a cost.

The above is to all those agitated that the West wants to test COVID-19 vaccines in Africa and on Africans. Didier Drogba and Samuel Eto are hereby copied.

What has been the contribution of the entire African continent towards the realization of a vaccine to deal with the world's current headache?

Africa has always sold herself to the world as a vessel of dishonor, why won’t we be used as the dumping ground for chaffs?

I am not angry at the French Doctors, I am not angry at anyone or anything, No Contribution No Chop aka NCNC isn’t just a rule for the school canteen, it applies to virtually every facet of life.

Being used for the experiment is what we can offer, it’s our relevance in the scheme of things. How many times have we heard an African Country talk about developing a vaccine?

Since this outbreak, our hope has only been to see the white man come up with a solution.

They have it and want to test it on the less valuable vessels, if we don’t die then they can trust ‘their proper humans’ to survive when used on them.

The very first reaction of African leaders since COVID-19 entered our shores was to go to them begging for money. How do with earn the respect when we are always with a cup in hand begging in our dealings with them?

We asked for this, we called for this, we deserve it; NO DRAMA

After they have developed it, we will be here asking them to bring it to us for free.

If you want to eat without contributing, you will be made to wash the bowls.

If you didn't contribute anything to build the wooden cart, you will be made to push it so that you can earn the right to sit in it.
