
What Is The Effect Of Long Distance On Relationships

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Many relationships have their respective problems. So can be talked of Long-distance relationships as it has its associated problems as well. Partners involved in this style of relationship always have some sort of problems with each other. I will share with you some of the effects and conditions that comes with Long-distance relationship.

1.Risk. Long-distance relationship normally leaves a huge disconnection between people. The greater the distance that exists between the two, the greater the risk that the relationship will fail. People in relationships who live separately suffer from lonelines, infrequent sex, lack of emotional and physical support. The aforementioned risks are capable of pushing one partner or the other into another relationship

2.LACK OF FAMILIARITY: There is no doubt that partners practicing this style of relationship will lack the kind of familiarity that will drive the relationship to perfection and one that will be considered a serious or solid relationship. This is due to the fact that you get to see your partner once in a blue moon. Sometimes after weeks, months and sometimes a year depending on where your fiance or fiancee is residing. You will agree with me that seeing your boyfriend or girlfriend at the end of every week, month or whatever is not enough to know him or her very well as you spend a day or two and depart to your respective locations. This will make it very difficult for the two of you to acquaint or familiarize with each other to consolidate the relationship.

3. IT TAKES TIME: You will agree that long distance relationship is time and money consuming. This type of lovers will always have to resort to their phones to talk to each other and other social media platforms through chatting and Video calls. Meanwhile, you might need these hours for doing something profitable than being on phone all the time and bear in mind how costly this exchange of calls can be to both of you especially when you two are not using the same service provider.

4.FINANCES: Long-distance relationships also consumes money. It is money consuming as one has to travel frequently to see the partner else where in another region or even country to have a good time with him or her. It costs much to go into this type of relationship.

5.LACK OF TRUST: Another canker that has bedevilled this style of relationship is the issue of trust for one another. People involved in practising long distance relationships are always on the nerves of each other suspecting their fellow partners of cheating on them. This notwithstanding, they always try to spy on each to ascertain whether one is actually cheating or not because in most relationships that the partners are always together sometimes one person is caught being infidel not to talk of being miles away from each other.

Meanwhile, all the points I have enumerated above does not imply that Long-distance relationships are not possible or cannot stand the test of time. Some people are very faithful, determined, self-sufficient, disciplined and very loyal irrespective of where they find themselves. But those who are poised in long distance relationships must seriously consider the above points and must not downplay them.

Felix Kwaku-Dua/
