Wed, 20 Jul 2016 Feature Article

Check Why Following The Crowd Is A Threat To Personal Development

Check Why Following The Crowd Is A Threat To Personal Development
20.07.2016 LISTEN

It is really pestering how people in recent times will not leave their friends to tread cautiously against life as an individual but tends to criticise them vigorously for not following the crowd or the status quo.

Today, you will be bashed with all calibre of demeaning words or derogatory statements when you opt not to follow or join the crowd of what they do and the kind of life they live. What these people fail to understand is we are all unique in the way we do our things and must not consider following the crowd.

If you ask me, following the crowd just because you want to impress people around you is like signing your death warrant because it comes with a lot if limitations. This is so because you think and behave the way they do.

What we human beings forget to be guided by, is the fact that everyone is working on his or her time zone. This means that when kojo is successful in doing something today or living a particular life, it does not mean you will equally be successful and lucky in doing the same thing. There are many things you can achieve when you choose your own path by doing things right and not following the crowd.

The famous Albert Einstein revealed the implications of following the crowd in one of his favourite quotes when he said “The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”

In fact, you learn nothing immediately you start to follow the crowd or people aimlessly just because you don’t want to be called names. When you follow the crowd aimlessly, you learn nothing and witness any improvement in your life. This is because you virtually copy their lifestyle and continue to follow them blindly.

You must know there are certain disadvantages following the crowd can bring you hence the need to tread cautiously in our actions. Typical among them are the following ;

LACK OF FOCUS: People who follow the crowd tends to lose focus in life. When you begin to follow certain group of people, you automatically become used to their way of life and follow what they do especially those that will not bring any improvement or personal development. When you are independent, you are always focused and aimed at achieving your set targets.

IT SUBVERT YOUR CAPABILITIES: Another thing, following the crowd is capable of doing is to subvert your capabilities. There are people who do not believe in your abilities and there are people who knows your capabilities but will intentionally kill your dreams. When you begin to follow the crowd, you become so much addicted to their lifestyle that, you forget you have some goals or targets in life that you must accomplish.

IT ATTENUATES YOUR INGENUITY: It is proper and imperative to know that creative thinking plays a major role in personal development or success of peole. If you are poised to attain certain level in life, you have to learn to be creative in the way you think and begin to see things differently from the way others do. If you are really ingenious, you see solutions at where others see problems. If you follow people who sees things just as it is, I bet you, you are treading on a wrong path. When you settle with people of this nature, you see things the way they do and nothing pushes you to rack your brains and make something meaningful out of it hence kills your ingenuity.

IT PORTRAYS YOU A HYPOCRITE: we all stand for certain beliefs or principles in this life. But the point here is, when you start to follow the crowd, they can change or alter your belief or perception about certain things in life. When this begins to happen, you then forget your belief or the principles you stands for hence making you a hypocrite. Just be yourself and do things your own way.

Many people follow the crowd because of a lot of reasons especially personal interests. Others also chooses the road of the masses just because of their admiration for them. This is not bad. It is good to have a mentor. The important thing is that you should be learning the right things that has the capacity to augment your life.

I believe, you realizing the need to choose your path and walking on it is not bad at all. It projects and makes people see you differently. Dare to be unique and live your own life to the fullest that makes you happy and keeps you going. It is your life. Live it the way it pleases you not others. Never follow the crowd. Dare to be different.

Felix Kwaku-Dua/
Email:[email protected]
