Sun, 10 Jul 2016 Feature Article

Why You Have To Treat Each Day As A Blessing

Why You Have To Treat Each Day As A Blessing
10.07.2016 LISTEN

Each day indeed is a blessing. When you wake up from your bed full of life and blood circulating thoroughly through your nerves, then there is every reason to count it as a blessing and be thankful to the omnipotent God.

This is so because not all got the opportunity to make it like you. We all go to bed together but not all are fortunate to enjoy the warm feeling of the sunshinehe on their faces the following day.

Some wake up and find themselves at the hospital totally sick and bed ridden rendering them powerless . Some also kick the bucket and you only witness their lifeless body when sun rise or when the news hit you. William A. Ward once “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you”. You have to be very thankful each day you are awake and staring at your ceiling whiles doing deep meditations on your life.

These are some the reasons you have to count each day as a gift or blessing. There are certain things in life that we take for granted and really give no attention too. It is really not constant that you should be strong and kicking at all times without getting indisposed . Dont be surprised. What you have to know is that there is somebody that holds your life. He is the omnipotent God.

Some of life’s blessings are immediately obvious. There are many others that, although they feel like blessing at the time, can eventually bring value to their life.

One will ask if it makes sense to be thankful when your day comes with many challenges and hurdles. Yes! Certain challenges and the way you react to them result in making you stronger. These challenges are also capable of turning your life around and putting you on a better platform.

It is normal or common to see people being grateful when life is moving smoothly for them. But as far as you have life, your gratitude can be more powerful and appropriate when things are not equally going well. What you have to know is that each day comes with fortunes and misfortunes.

Gratitude is not merely the result of having good and valuable experiences in your life. Gratitude is an essential part of causing life’s goodness and abundance to come your way.

When you continue being thankful or considering each day as a blessing, then you will definitely appreciate the hand work of God in your life.

Source: Felix Kwaku-Dua/
