08.07.2016 Feature Article

The Man Without Shoes

The Man Without Shoes
08.07.2016 LISTEN

There he went treading hurriedly like a horse nearing the finish line, his soles are bleeding from the pricking stones and glasses. He wears no shoe yet he follows a crowd with shoes. A crowd who are too busy to even pay attention to the man without shoes whose soles are bleeding. Yet this man follows on thinking he's a part of the crowd but to the crowd, he's an unseen shadow.

Many a time, we forget our dreams, our visions and aims and go running after that of others whereas these others are busily chasing their dreams and see us not.

A man without shoes is a man without dreams. A man without shoes is a man who lives for another and not himself. A man without shoes is a man who instead of focusing on building his life get busy looking at how others build theirs. A man without shoes is a man who believes not in his abilities and himself.

Never get busy following a crowd who knows not of your existence. Never hurt yourself and abandon your dreams while busily chasing that of others. Life, though not about you always is built on your dreams to touch others. Don't disappoint a whole generation by disappointing yourself.

*Stand up for yourself and your dreams*
I am MERCEDES NANA ABA EGYIRIBA TURKSON ROWE ASAMANI and I write to speak, write to touch and write to inspire.
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