Fri, 22 Apr 2016 Feature Article

The Law, Culture And The Environment

The Law, Culture And The Environment
22.04.2016 LISTEN

There is a rift today in understanding the difference between the Law, Culture and the Environment. Many believe these three terms can be encapsulated into one single word, considering the manner in which they are defined. Others are of the view that these three are separable.

Law is very broad and somewhat linked with culture especially when defining the two. And in the same vein, one cannot also exclude the linkage between culture and the environment. Law can be defined as a rule of conduct or procedure recognized by a community or country as binding or enforceable by authority. Law becomes a part of our daily living. Culture is mostly said to be a way of life of a particular ethnic group, or to a larger extent, a whole country. Just as it is commonly said by many, if not all, that, the Ghanaian culture does not allow the practice of certain things such as Homosexuality. That has led to the exclusion of such practice from the laws of this country.

Culture and the Law, when broadly defined, are interwoven. The Environment defines the kind of Laws we follow in our society, and also does same, as it dictates what sort of culture we practice. However, it is argued that the environment is separable from the other two – that is – it only has little to do with the Law and Culture. The systematic approach to these three requires the manner in which all are defined and understood. Some Sociologists and philosophers believe that, culture is indigenous while the Law is modern – as it is said, “the law became visible only a few centuries ago”.

The debate continues unabated when Law is compared with the Environment, in order to divulge the hidden truth. Yet still, the same argument pops up. The Environment is an avenue that allows the law to operate. But the question is, how? The environment when conducive, allows for the Law to work effectively. The environment consist not only the external influences, but also consists human beings. The activities of man allow the Law to operate or the other way round.

Juxtaposing culture with the environment, the environment is a pathway to arriving at a certain culture. Just as it does to the Law. The tussle however continues to deepen as to whether the three can be one or can be separable. But the relation between the three is much alive; because the three terms are one when broadly defined even as many still argue strongly the Environment must be an exception to the other two terms – The law and culture. Until an impasse is reached on this topic, one cannot be very certain in their comparisons.
