Wed, 10 Feb 2016 Feature Article

What Has Trump Got To Offer America And The World?

What Has Trump Got To Offer America And The World?
10 FEB 2016 LISTEN

Donald Trump, the republican candidate for president of the United States of America is one man I love especially for his outspoken nature, his business-mindedness and entrepreneurial skills.Undoubtedly, he is one of America's most celebrated businessmen.

But Trump has his other side that portrays him as inhuman and a hardcore racist. Truly, he is.

Ever since he declared his decision to lead America, his words have been razor-sharp, directed mainly towards Africa. His words expose his hatred for Africa and people of other races.

But the most important question on my mind is this; what has Trump got to offer America and the world?

The answer is obvious that Trump has absolutely nothing to offer America and most importantly the world. The best book ever written in the world, the Holy Bible(The Book of Life), assures us in Proverbs 23:7 that "as a man thinks in his heart, so he is". For the purpose of making my point, I say that as a man speaks, so he is.

The words spoken by Trump in most of his political campaigns are often acidic, barbed, razor-sharp and insensitive. These words have the potential to cause disaffection, lie, denigrate and divide the world all in the interest of mere political power.

At a time when we should be progressing on the path to prosperity, any fixations on churlish politics which have the tendency of destabilizing the world should not be tolerated. In this time of the world, any word spoken by any world leader that weighs heavily against the interest of the world and that seems to treat any continent, race or religion as worthless should be condemned.

We need leaders that can push the world forward in unity, equality and oneness. A world where everyone has the right to move about anywhere provided he respects the rules wherever he finds himself.

Words such as this: Africa and its people helped to shape America and allowed it to become the great nation that it is (spoken by Barack Obama) should inspire Trump and his likes to strive to speak positively and understand that Africa's progress, for example, is America's progress.

The truth is that no nation or state has ever been completely independent without any kind of support from somewhere. We all depend on each other for survival.

We must not stand aloof as Trump destroys the world. For he and his likes have nothing good to offer America and the world.
