Sun, 30 Aug 2015 Feature Article

Do you speak about yourselves in corporate

Do you speak about yourselves in corporate
30.08.2015 LISTEN

The confusion and sorrow of human being are largely not due to some real reasons but only due to the conflicts or paradoxes people create from within. That is how man differs from most animals in wild.

For example, when people attend interview for job, they largely boast about what they are capable off and how much talent they have etc. They stress a lot on their capability than what they have really achieved. Unfortunately most corporate would consider people who speak a lot about themselves, what they can achieve and capable off as visionary leaders, passionate people and are really looking for bigger opportunities. But the validation of what these people have really achieved will tell us the true leadership quality and real capability of these people. No true leader will ever let too big a gap between what he is capable off and what really he has achieved. Capable people either look for opportunity or would try to convert the existing opportunity to showcase their talents.

Look at the behaviour and leadership style of animals in general.

When the prey animals see a predator, they first and foremost recognize the proven capability of the predator, their numbers, how close they are and only then they would take their decision.

Once the proven capability of the predator is ascertained, they recognize own proven capability/vulnerability and then they would take decision either to escape from the scene or would resorts to fight back.

Similarly, the predators also apply only their practical wisdom and not just what they are capable off. On seeing a prey, the predators, irrespective of their strength and capability, they try to hide their identity and move carefully towards the prey. Only when they have reached close to the prey and have developed confidence of hunt success, they would charge the prey.

Both the prey and the predator never believe or boast about what they are capable off. Boasting or engages in self admiration or megalomaniac –ism would not help, but only by doing the right thing they can ensure success is well known to them.

Unfortunately corporate in general would consider the least what the people have already achieved to boast a lot about them than what they are capable off. Only because of this limitation, both the corporate and the people suffer from poor performance and result.

More than the real problems, the fear of what problems they may likely to suffer only bothers them the most. Like how they always showcase to others as what they are capable off than what they are really, based on what they have achieved, they also fear only about what can likely to happen to them than what really will happen.

Man keeps the distance between what he is capable off and what he really is, quite long but animals do not.

Disappointments of both the employee and employer origins only from the extrapolation of what one can and what one is. When the employees fail to achieve what they have claimed to be capable off, and the employer fails to scale up the boasted capability of the employees towards the result, both would end up blaming at each other without recognizing how foolish they were in judging or over exaggerating or over extrapolating things and people.

Learn from the best examples of nature and bridge the gap between what can and what really you are.

Dr S Ranganathan, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai
