Sun, 17 Aug 2014 Feature Article

Why Is The Government Becoming Complacent?

Why Is The Government Becoming Complacent?
17 AUG 2014 LISTEN

I read with dismay and great surprise the stories on various news websites over the weekend concerning government's criticism of Dr. Mensah Otabil for his advice to government to stop being complacent on the crises facing our dear republic today.

I think for a government to condemn such a golden advice rather than embracing it with love is a clear indication of its weaknesses and arrogance.

Honestly, no meaningful government would reject such an awesome advice since we are all witnesses to the dire economic straits that our great republic is currently going through. So I wonder why anyone would want to place a political tag on the noble man for coming out with a possible prudent measure to deal with the country's challenges.

Why is Dr. Otabil being lambasted? Who in our country would not understand that we need a new leadership response to our crises? Which well-meaning Ghanaian would deny the fact that our great republic is going through dire economic straits and that we need prudent measures to help us tackle the situation?

The other day, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams acknowledged that the great republic was going through dire economic straits and prayed for our currency to rescue it from further depreciation. Why did he not come under government's criticism? Is the government being selective and partial?

Duncan-Williams exhibited faith and Mensah Otabil is complementing it with works. Even the good book has told us that faith without work is dead.

So why are politicians and their commentators demonstrating complacency in their actions in this country? Why are they acting as if everything is alright with our great republic? Why are government's communicators firing a barrage of rebuttals and condemnation of Dr. Otabil's prognosis? Why are they insisting that the economy is not in dire economic straits as he sought to suggest?

The comparison Dr. Otabil made with our economy and the Titanic is a true reflection of our current state of affairs. Is our country not sinking like the Titanic? So why should anyone want to create the impression that all is well?

I was particularly surprised when Dr. Omane Boamah, the Minister for Communications let out his disapproval of the preacher's analysis of the country's leadership. Why is the honourable minister trying to be as Captain Smith of the notable Titanic who was too confident and failed to appreciate the crisis and failed to act decisively to protect life and property?

The NDC hardliner, Sam George, also said Dr. Otabil's stance towards government was because he had been stripped of diplomatic privileges by former president J.E.A Mills. Is this not the case of someone who is aware of the wrongs he is doing but rather fails to accept any correction?

James Agalga, Deputy for the Interior also criticised that Dr. Otabil's stance has the tendency of discouraging investment in our country. Does he know that many investors have already lost confidence in our economy because of the wrongdoings and misdeeds of people like himself?

The government must understand that Dr. Otabil cannot be held to ransom for their wrongdoings. Ghana belongs to us all and we all have the responsibility to uphold and defend her good name.

What is important now is for government to learn from their past mistakes to enable them plan afresh for a better future rather than becoming arrogant, complacent and indecisive.

Politicians must abhor the idea of wanting all for themselves and rather seek the general good of humanity for whose sake they have been given the power.
