Sat, 11 May 2024 Feature Article

Rivers State on the Brink: A Tumultuous Battle for Power with Potential National Implications

Rivers State on the Brink: A Tumultuous Battle for Power with Potential National Implications

In Rivers State, the political landscape has reached a boiling point, igniting crises within the House of Assembly that reverberate across Nigeria. The discord was sharply exacerbated by the recent rise of Victor Oko-Jumbo to the role of factional speaker, an event that unfolded just a day after Governor Siminalayi Fubara declared the legislative body defunct. Oko-Jumbo's appointment by Governor Fubara’s spokesperson, Chukwudi Nelson, signals a deepening rift, underpinned by a fierce power struggle between two primary factions: the Pro-Wike lawmakers and the Pro-Fubara legislators.

Amidst this backdrop, Governor Fubara enacted a significant and controversial move by officially relocating the House of Assembly sessions to the Government House in Port Harcourt. This action, documented in a gazette dated December 14, 2023, was a response to the destructive arson of the original assembly chamber in October—a likely preemptive strike against a rumored impeachment proceeding against him. Governor Fubara argued that the relocation was necessitated by concerns over the safety and security of the legislators and their staff, given the extensive damage to their traditional meeting place. Until the chambers are repaired and deemed safe, the legislative business is to continue from the auditorium in the Admin Block of the Government House.

The shift of the assembly venue coincided with a resurgence of Governor Fubara’s faction, which had lain low following an intervention by President Bola Tinubu aimed at mediating the escalating state crisis. This faction's reemergence was spurred by looming threats of impeachment from Chief Tony Okocha, chairman of the APC caretaker committee in Rivers, pointing to a volatile mix of political maneuvering and allegations of betrayals.

Further complicating the state’s political theater, a recent court order issued by a Rivers State judiciary blocked the pro-Wike lawmakers, who remain loyal to the former governor and current Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike, from assuming their roles as assembly members. This judicial intervention adds a significant layer of complexity to the ongoing power struggles that continue to disrupt the governance landscape in Rivers State.

The ongoing saga in Rivers State features a convoluted series of events marked by judicial interventions that seem to deeply intertwine with the political machinations at play. Governor Fubara's strategic relocation of the assembly to the Government House followed by legal barriers imposed on the Wike-aligned lawmakers illustrates the intense and ongoing factional battles. These legal proceedings, facilitated by figures such as Justice James Omotoso of Abuja federal courts and Rivers state Justice Charles Wali, have each played pivotal roles, often seen as either bolstering or undermining the factions they are perceived to support.

Justice Omotoso's involvement, in particular, has drawn significant attention, with his rulings largely favoring the Wike faction and culminating in major legal setbacks for the Fubara camp. These decisions, emanating from the perceived political theater of Abuja’s courts, have added fuel to claims of judicial overreach and bias. Conversely, Justice Wali's recent rulings have provided a counterbalance, with measures that effectively strip the pro-Wike lawmakers of their legislative powers, thereby isolating them from political processes and deepening their factional isolation.

Amid these judicial escalations, the recent deployment of police forces to the Assembly quarters, following allegations by Governor Fubara of planned demolitions, underscores the significant role of law enforcement in this political crisis. The heavy police presence, alongside the strategic placement of Victor Oko-Jumbo as the new factional speaker, has marked a crucial turn in the state’s governance, reflecting a broader strategy by Governor Fubara to consolidate power amid ongoing instability.

These developments paint a picture of a state deeply entangled in political and legal strife, where the actions of its leaders, the interventions of the judiciary, and the reactions of law enforcement are woven into a complex tapestry of conflict and intrigue. As the situation continues to evolve, the potential for further judicial "rescue" operations from Abuja adds an element of unpredictability and alarm to the already tense political drama unfolding in Rivers State. This evolving crisis not only threatens the stability of Rivers State but also poses significant implications for the integrity and functionality of democratic institutions across Nigeria.

The ongoing conflict in Rivers State between Governor Siminalayi Fubara and former governor, now Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike, extends beyond personal rivalry, morphing into a broader societal crisis with deep implications. This confrontation impacts not just the corridors of power but the lives of the citizens of Rivers State—many of whom are staunch supporters of Governor Fubara and are expressing their allegiance even at great personal risk. The role of "federal might," as invoked by Wike, seemingly encompasses the influence of Abuja judges, federal police forces, and even the presidency itself, which has historically played a significant role in regional disputes.

President Bola Tinubu, along with key figures such as Chief of Staff Femi Gbajabiamila, Inspector-General of Police Kayode Egbetokun, Chief Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, and Vice President Kashim Shettima, must recognize that leveraging this federal might in the dispute could provoke significant resistance. The people of Rivers State, part of the fiercely independent Niger Delta, have historically shown that they can pose a formidable challenge to perceived external interventions. The potential for this conflict to escalate into a wider unrest is a real and dangerous prospect.

This scenario places a heavy responsibility on the national leadership to intervene not just tactically but with a profound understanding of the psychological and strategic dimensions at play. It is imperative for President Tinubu and his administration to approach the situation with a balanced strategy that prioritizes dialogue and legal norms while respecting the will of the Rivers elders, people, and the rule of law. The potential for violence and further instability is real and could have far-reaching effects on the political stability and peace within the region.

President Tinubu and his team need to employ a strategy that addresses both the immediate triggers and the underlying causes of this conflict. By fostering dialogue, enforcing legal norms, and ensuring that governance proceeds without disruption, the national leadership can help steer Rivers State back towards stability. This approach will not only resolve the immediate crisis but also reinforce the strength of democratic institutions in Nigeria, underscoring the government's commitment to the welfare and security of all its citizens.

Psychologically, the Rivers State populace's resilience and potential defiance against what they perceive as an imposition of federal might should not be underestimated. President Tinubu is thus cautioned to consider these dynamics carefully. The approach should not only be about quelling dissent but genuinely engaging with and understanding the regional sentiments that fuel this resistance. Only through such a thoughtful and inclusive approach can lasting peace and stability be achieved in Rivers State, avoiding the pitfalls of escalating tensions into a more significant conflict.

The escalating situation in Rivers State, marked by the intense rivalry between Governor Siminalayi Fubara and former governor Nyesom Wike, suggests a critical need for a decisive shift in approach to resolve the ongoing conflict. With Wike's continued involvement, there is a growing concern that his actions are exacerbating the state's political instability. Therefore, the solution might indeed be straightforward: for the sake of peace and to prevent further escalation of tensions, it may be necessary for Wike to step back and momentarily and openly disengage from the political landscape of Rivers State.

This step would not only help de-escalate the current crisis but also allow the state government under Governor Fubara to stabilize and address the needs of its citizens without external interference. For Rivers State to move forward and focus on governance and development, a cessation of this ongoing political feud, fueled by Wike's active participation, appears essential.

In conclusion, the involvement of federal authorities, while significant, should aim at facilitating this transition rather than imposing control, ensuring that any actions taken respect the autonomy and will of the Rivers people. By encouraging and possibly facilitating a step back by Wike, the federal government can help pave the way for a more harmonious and stable political environment in Rivers State.
