Sat, 06 May 2023 Feature Article

What Is Exegesis?

What Is Exegesis?
06 MAY 2023 LISTEN

“Exegesis is the task of carefully studying the Bible in order to determine as well as possible the author’s meaning in the original context of writing” (Jeannine K. Brown, Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics: Scripture As Communication), 23. Moises Silva writes, “Exegesis is a fancy way of referring to interpretation” (Walter Kaiser Jr., and Moises Silva, An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation), 19.

The text that you have selected for your exegesis, these are some of the things I want you to do with it. First, come up with a good introduction; second, explain the context, which should include the historical background, literary context, and historical context. Third, do the exegesis, and finally include the application and conclusion of the biblical narrative. What is the genre of the biblical text? Solve this as you begin the exegesis.

2 Chronicles 7:14
Wow! You have selected the text that is read in the church in preparation for revival. I have heard the text read many times when I attend revivals or spiritual awakening gatherings. The problem is that we cannot claim the promises of God out of context. Furthermore, the promise was made for the Hebrew people at a given time in their history.

Galatians 4:1-11
It takes great discipline and study to be able to break the Word of God for proper comprehension and application. The problem we have today is that many students and teachers of the Bible do not want to pay the price and make the sacrifice to be able to study and exegete the Word of God. That is one of the reason Scriptures are used out of context and have created much problem for Christians.

Joseph, Mary, and the Birth of Jesus
The problem with many preachers in the United States is that some of them do interpret Scriptures from the Western mindset. They do not make the commitment to understand the biblical text from its cultural and historical context. If that preacher understood the culture of Israel in terms of marriage, he would not have misunderstood the biblical text.

1 Corinthians 10:13
I suggest that you help people who quote 1 Corinthians 10:13 out of context to understand exactly what the passage is saying rather than reading into it. If God is always going to step in to deliver us from pain and suffering then why did Jesus suffer alone on our behalf? When someone quotes 1 Corinthians 10:13 out of context use 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 to correct him or her.

Ephesians 5:22
I think that many pastors too have not done a good job by studying Ephesians 5:22 in its context and have done poor exegesis of the text. That has created a problem for the contemporary church where there should be no problem at all. The problematic term "submit" should be explained well and also should be explained that it is used mutually for both husband and wave and all believers in Ephesians 5:21.

The Potentials of the Millennial Generation
I am delighted to read that you want to reach Millennials. The reason why I am excited is that they are the future leaders of the world. Therefore, it is imperative that we reach them for Christ at this time of their lives. They have great potential because of the technology world in which we live. They can use this potential for good for the cause of Christ. They are also the target of the devil because he knows he can divert their potentials for evil instead of for good.

