Mon, 02 Apr 2018 Feature Article

Wavering Lips

Wavering Lips
02 APR 2018 LISTEN

The sun has risen early from bed
to kiss the morning dew in bed.
Slowly, the moon has found its way to my heart
To light the dark me
Only to snatch my thoughts from me
the flame burns unwaveringly
and brings the dark to light.
I am burning up and melting like Shea butter
To be smeared on one but every face
All the world but me is deep in sleep?s bosom,
Hoping to dream away my dreams and live the life in my years

I sit here alone, sipping a cup of hot memories.
Out on the lawn there is no noise
Memories like memorials,
So unforgettable and refreshing like the morning dew

And like sweet fragrance from France, evoking the moments of yesterday

I am no man but only a man with human flaws
Knowing her is like knowing each other for eternity

But only did she exist in my imaginations
A figment of my thoughts and a soul to my soul
Only did we know each other for so long a time in our minds

Her smile, so captivating
Her beauty, so enthralling
Plumes of love billowing from the chimney of her lips

Like pips from cherries
Enveloped and lost in thoughts but found in her laughter and love

Walking the streets in various hallucinations
And now seeing her face in every face
Not in the faces I see
She is long gone like vapour
Stagnated in my eyes and lips, were spoken words of silence

Painted and emboldened by fear, shame and death
Silence has forever gone unnoticed
only to be buried deep in the bosom of my chest forever

As the soul has a quenchless thirst to be loved endlessly,

I live to love another day
Fighting my demons
Losing the battle but winning the war of her joy
And when I grow, I will love and owe two women
One, my mother
Another, my wife
Owing both but owning none.
