23.04.2024 Press Release

AbibiNsroma Foundation calls on all to remember Earth Day

AbibiNsroma Foundation calls on all to remember Earth Day
23.04.2024 LISTEN

Earth Day is a powerful reminder of our responsibility to the planet, and this year's theme, "Planet vs. Plastics," couldn't be more urgent. It's a call to action to reduce our plastic footprint and protect our environment from the overwhelming plastic pollution that threatens wildlife, ecosystems, and our own health.

The impact of plastics on the environment is devastating. From the smallest of microplastics to the larger debris, they are found in every corner of the globe. These plastics take hundreds of years to decompose, releasing toxic chemicals into the soil and water, and harming animals that mistake them for food.

This Earth Day, the focus is on tangible actions we can all take to combat plastic pollution. These include adopting a zero-waste lifestyle, supporting plastic bans, participating in community clean-up efforts, and holding corporations accountable for their role in plastic production and waste.

The fight against plastic is a fight for the survival of our planet. As individuals, our daily choices can contribute to a larger, collective effort to stem the tide of plastic waste. Earth Day serves as a reminder that the time for action is now. It's a day to reflect on our habits, to educate one another, and to make a pledge to make real changes for the sake of our planet's future.

Let's choose the planet over plastics, not just today, but every day. Let's work together to forge a future that is cleaner, greener, and sustainable for generations to come. Earth Day is our chance to lead by example and inspire others to join the movement for a plastic-free planet.

Indeye Seck
Project officer
AbibiNsroma Foundation
