Fri, 22 Mar 2024 Press Release

Abibinsroma Foundation Observes International Day Of Forests

Abibinsroma Foundation Observes International Day Of Forests
22 MAR 2024 LISTEN

AbibiNsroma Foundation observes International Day of Forests with Director Mary Kupualor, Head of Horticulture Department at Tema Metropolitan Assembly has called for the restoration of the lost Mangrove Forest in Tema Manhean behind the Chemu Lagoon. Across the globe, communities are stepping up to acknowledge the critical role that forests play in sustaining life on Earth. From the air we breathe to the ecosystems they support, forests are not just a source of timber or land, but the very foundation of biodiversity and a bulwark against climate change. On this day, we are reminded of the beauty and the plight of our planet's green tapestries, and the collective effort needed to protect them for generations to come. Each year, the communities often organize tree planting activities, educational workshops, and clean-up campaigns.

He emphasized that the destruction of the forest which existed about four years ago, served as rich bio diversity for sustainable development and a source of livelihood. The mangroves are resilient in fighting climate change and a potential tourist attraction. He lamented that the area is now filled with filth, toxic materials, and industrial waste where pigs, goats and other domestic livestock go to consume them which can lead to health issues for the animals and people.

Director Mary pointed out that the indiscriminate burning of rubbish has destroyed a lot of trees in the metropolis. It was discussed that there has been an increase in bush burning and illegal cutting of trees for placement of containers, new buildings and constructions. Some stray animals feed on the trees and end up destroying them. The trees planted cannot be sustained throughout the year due to harsh weather conditions and rainfall patterns. She then added that the lack of punitive actions against offenders who cut down trees illegally remains a big issue.

Director Mary called for more education and sensitization of citizens to be aware of the importance of trees especially in cities like the industrial hub of Tema. Trees planted in these zones help reduce the carbon emissions in the atmosphere.

Forest Day, also known as International Day of Forests, is all about celebrating and raising awareness of the importance of all types of forests and trees outside forests for the benefit of current and future generations. Its significance lies in the critical role forests play in our lives, from filtering the air we breathe to providing shelter, livelihoods, water, food, and fuel security. The day also highlights the urgent need to halt deforestation, restore degraded landscapes, and manage forests sustainably. It is a call to action for people everywhere to come together and contribute to creating a greener, healthier future. Countries around the world have been recognizing this day by participating in tree planting campaigns, educational activities, and events to encourage forest conservation and sustainable practices. It is a day where the world unites to appreciate the invaluable contributions of forests and to promote actions to protect and sustainably manage them.

Robert Amiteye
AbibiNsroma Foundation
[email protected]
