Sat, 01 Jul 2023 Feature Article

Mandatory Education and other Alternatives to Affirmative Action

Mandatory Education and other Alternatives to Affirmative Action

The u.s Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action on university enrolment is rejuvenating my interest to push for worldwide mandatory education for up to age twenty. Affirmative action for blacks enrolment in colleges is outdated, ineffective or at least exaggerated by mainly Democrats and educated non-thinking black leaders. Many U.S Republicans want us to believe in 'trickle down' theory in the world of finance, and their democratic counterparts want us to believe in 'trickle up theory ' of hope in the world of education access and government positions ? Both theory carry fractional facts, but largely illusory in effects. We need systems that accommodates for at least the average, preferably everyone. Diversity can be obtained through merits or very reasonable quotas that still encourage merits can be employed.

The pros and cons of every system or choice should be honestly gauged, and new systems be employed where need be. If over fifty or xyz percent of black students in universities are there by merit of education, ten or xyz percent of blacks by merits of sports, then ten or xyz of blacks may be there by 'affirmative action'. Claiming the black child seeing few more blacks in university through affirmative action will motivate them must be answered through honest guessing by percentage. How many decades of affirmative actions will lead to ninety-nine percent black high school graduate and at least seventy five percent college entry? Well, mandatory education for up to age twenty can do such and be a reasonable law than drafting in Ukraine, Israel, South Korea, and even u.s against next Vietnam or xyz? Up to age thirteen, it is super easy enforcement; once it is law, at least fifty percent will happily comply, so we may only have about five or xyz percent of teenagers who will be forced into special 'concentration camps' for how many years? The present status quo of 'luck and freedom' tempt many teenagers to quit school prematurely. This law is not about denying teenagers the right to part time work , pursue musical career, or xyz; it is simply to tell every teenager you must verifiably dedicate thirty or xyz hours a week in school until you are twenty years of age or suffer lot more through our educative camps up to age twenty two , twenty five, or different penalties. With AI, Robots, and many things in our heartless capitalist leaning nations and world, we seriously need such laws worldwide. Although any country can start it, the u.s is a country that many emulate, so pushing for it there can quickly see it around the world.

If a small good like 'affirmative action' have opponents, then indeed expect all kinds of silly excuses to oppose a much needed law and system for our generation, to help millions, way beyond blacks. The worst whites+ denied education through law, the best of humans should raise the standard of mandatory education through law. I have long said: Freedom without knowledge is dangerous. The human being is not much different from animals, except in our capabilities and willingness to enhance our minds. Although formal education is a fraction of learning, it is the aspect of learning we can voluntarily opt for and even imposed. We certainly imposed it on children or who never saw a child resist going to school. I rather be forced to go to school as teenager than be forced to fight for a so called country that will forward excuses on how to afford such, but can build prisons as traps, even over 'self hurting'.

The so called high end universities have professors that can be recorded and shared with anyone who is ready to learn. Curriculums can be shared, but building enough universities and broadening online courses are vital aspects for mass uplifting. Name propaganda will change if we shift even ten percent of the defence and offence budget towards research materials for universities in an information age of ours. The library bragging rights of Harvard or Duke University thirty years ago can be on few gigabytes in a university in the Gambia or xyz. Although I appreciate peace corps, I think having enough exchange students between u.s and every country is over due for diversity and higher level of globalisation beyond trade. Beside exchange students, exchange or join professors class sessions may help and boost morale. I suspect they are waiting for slow African leaders to propose it, beg for it, go to Moscow or Ukraine to have few students educate us how to work hard enough for enough grain or hemp bread, or keep on crying? Although Barrack Obama's father was said to be an exchange student that racist regretted, I do not know of one single Gambian exchange student in the USA, Canada, or UK... I also mean I do not see your students here because you think our universities are poor, so you rather have such with China or xyz until when? This part does not have to be mandatory, but encouraged as one to two years as teenager in a foreign country may greatly help. With culture of cameras and others, not only will the children of the over hundred thousand Gambians in u.s come with their white , Asian, or xyz classmates to adore our winters if they live in cold states, but imagine the other forms of learning before the sexual 'crimes'? Well, everything has pros and cons, so another Chinese 'Obama' may be born in Kenya or Senegal , but how many inventions may also occur in Africa+? No, this is too dangerous, the racists will have to fight it, censor even the article or private universities may try it with futuristic sponsoring companies.

Anytime the media airs some stupid Asians claiming 'affirmative action ' discriminate against American Asians they are vaguely claiming they are lower than whites and higher than blacks? They are saying ten or xyz of blacks are taking positions that could have been Asians until millions of black teens are forced to stay in school. Once the black+ teenager understands learn or go to concentration camps, s/he will rather learn and party on weekends than being where learning and little fun exist.

To those who prefer affirmative action in the name of diversity. Let seventy five percent of students be taken strictly on merits, then check if each race, tribe, or gender has at least five or xyz percent of their proportionate population in, then you may apply quota based affirmative action in the minimal and bounce back to merit based to fill the rest. If I own a private university or big company, this is how I may do it and doubt if any supreme Court or person dare sue me.

One can focus on the good affirmative action did or is still doing, but the harm it is doing through fractional facts seem much more. The naive Asian or xyz may think every black in university got there through affirmative action, and may discriminate against blacks somewhere due to such. Is it worth it to have few thousands of blacks accessing universities to cause millions of Asians+ against millions of blacks through unnecessary fights? I once told my Canadian white co-worker 'affirmative action is like a small wrong to rectify a bigger wrong'; but I truly believe some affirmative actions are counter productive and we must look for ways to uplift all, not few blacks. I am largely controversial in the minds of some, because I believe laws should see people as children, teenagers, and adults. So taking away 'freedom' from eighteen year old, or demanding responsibility on fifteen year old on consensual Pornography as example' may seem strange to some. Teenagers are honestly neither children nor adults, so we truly need laws concerning them, in and beyond education. May God bless us through Showlove Trinity: Let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.

By Jarga Kebba Gigo
An Activist and Transformer.
Optional note:
The u.s has this beautiful system of being able to enter and even graduate university as teenager. Once this becomes a law, it will mean more focus from teenagers and no financial barrier on education as teenager. This will prompt enormous focus from multiple directions and encourage positive competition, which can be as vital as diversity. It will force teenagers to minimise focus on money and raise the entry levels to college before you have a choice. The best minds will complete four year college by age twenty, to continue for masters or take a break. The average minds will at least start college before having a choice, so a chunk will optionally continue and a chunk may pause and continue later.

Of course there is this financial cost on government if it becomes law, but I think even poor countries should see it as needed investment like climate change urgency and thus demands this worldwide calling. Parents have been long indoctrinated to divorce responsibilities at age eighteen, but again what percentage of parents will resist, how to educate some and force some or loan the teenager rent+ are compromises and sacrifices we should take on.

Singapore is known to attract investment due to its highly educated populace, but too many Gambians or Africans still think High School education is still enough and blame the partially guilty politicians forever. Time changes and we truly do not have to wait for the u.s to enact such laws and enforce them. Having a big youth population is a specious asset they sold to you. Unless they are educated enough, ready to work enough, pointed to think, use conscience, etc they may be of limited good or a dangerous burden instead.

Similarly, the black child in the ghettos of America seeing one from the neighbourhood did it through merit, one or three through affirmative action through TV claims, but seeing what else in the hood or on TV as means to financial success is tempting forms of fractional realities. Some will choose drug selling because the laws may be dangerously lenient to adolescents, but no law to pressure him or her towards education. Some will overwork , but age of full time work need to change in our rapidly changing world. That teenager needs to understand there is a age range that says, learning is your primary task at so and so age, so how much time and efforts you employ in learning during that age will affect even the type of work or fun you may get for the rest of your life.

Children and teenagers belong to society and if we generously help all, then we can see higher responsibility. So the irresponsible parent may not properly support even a fifteen year old can be the focus against my calling, that I am encouraging bad parents, but that bad parent may not have been helped even to high school. By helping all teenagers with free education, we build a new form of parenting. Since I am known to be 'hard' on teenagers, if you get pregnant, we add years to your mandatory education. Teenagers should not be having children in our age, but there is a limit to what we can force on any, then tactically react towards each taking responsibility, not just so called rights. A teenager who consensually gambles a child Is not a victim, but a co-culprit, sometimes an under-educated one and encouraged by law and one sided media narratives.

Optional note 2:
A honest study of history shows : big devils deny you fun, bigger devils deny you work, and biggest devils deny you learning opportunities, up to law level. This can be seen in u.s slavery laws against teaching slaves and now in Afghanistan against women whose religious book have 'learning' as first commandment. The truth is the worst of people cannot hate explicitly much more. So there have to be tactical denying of learning and working opportunities, that victims and others may buy the excuses and harm even the adults. You can raise the cost of education or limit the universities to build to deny people access. You can make silly laws like using marijuana bars you from college or even working as bagger in a supermarket. Bad or illusory Joe Biden+ may want thousands of Blacks to have affirmative action, but does he want millions of black teens to have minimal hours of mandatory learning? Didn't he and how many people indirectly deny millions of blacks+ working opportunities over cannabis usage , while Asian Americans and whites drink alcohol? It is vital to be honest and be as precise as possible across the board, not cherry pick examples. A developed country like the u.s should be able to tell us precisely how many thousands of blacks benefited from affirmative action and reasonably estimate how many millions of blacks+ will benefit through mandatory education of eighteen or twenty. I prefer millions over thousands if positive impact is in question. Let the states try it, if the federal is slow or reluctant. If your state supreme Court limits you to eighteen, still try it , see the benefits, and change the constitution for more results.
