28.06.2016 Feature Article

Getting Rid Of Jealousy And Envy From Your Life

Getting Rid Of Jealousy And Envy From Your Life
28.06.2016 LISTEN

Oh, beware of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock at the meat it feeds on.

Jealousy and envy are emotional states we all experience in life. Even though some people use these terms interchangeably, they are two distinct things.

Jealousy is triggered when there is a threat that something that is precious to you will be taken away. For instance, if you have a beautiful woman and you feel she could be snatched from you by other men, jealousy will set in when you observe her conversing with such men.

Envy occurs when you want for yourself what someone else has or has accomplished. You may see someone who is very successful; they have money and live in luxury. They live in self-built mansions and drive posh cars. They have successful businesses. They travel a lot and talk about their achievements. They have a lot of social media following. They are celebrated as heroes. We secretly admire these people but because we don’t have what they have, we feel envious of their achievements.

Jealousy and envy are toxic, self-destructive habits. William Shakespeare has described jealousy as a green-eyed monster because it can lead you to do awful things if not properly handled.

Friend do not be deceived by what you observe about successful people. You do not know them too well. Some of them have been through more hell than you can imagine before they made it.

Some of the most successful people have been to prison, gone bankrupt multiple times, lost limbs, you never know.

Feeling jealous and envious of others is just a waste of time. They are toxic habits. They may cause you to be aggressive towards others. The consequences could be devastating.

When your life is dominated by these monsters, living a meaningful life will be difficult to achieve. They can’t pay your bills.

Jealousy and envy are signs of inferiority complex. People who have a low opinion of themselves feel that way.

You need to rid your life of the twin evils of jealousy and envy. Remember what you focus on expands. Like attracts like. The more jealous and envious you become, the more you attract situations that will let you feel so.

I am often obsessed with successful people. I try to find out what they are doing differently than me.

As I do so, I find it not only motivating but I distill their tools and ideas which I can implement to improve my own life.

Instead of feeling resentful of others because of their achievements, why not study them and know what habits have contributed to their success and incorporate that into your own lifestyle. Once you know their success secrets, why not set an inspiring vision and implement those secrets to get the type of success they have.

Read about successful people. Read their biographies and autobiographies and get one to mentor you. Attend seminars organized by successful people. Use their audio and videotapes to move from where you are to where you want to be. Such an investment will certainly pay off in the long term.

Do not blame yourself for past mistakes. You have to forget the past because you won’t get it back.

Making mistakes is part of the learning process. You are human and can make mistakes.

Learn a lesson and gain experience from your mistakes to avoid repeating them in the future.

Feeling jealous and envious won’t get you anywhere; besides it is a waste of energy. Focus on your priorities and redefine what is most important to you and take steps to work towards the achievement of your goals.

This approach will also allow you to explore other areas where you can excel because envy doesn’t say the other person is better than you in everything. You are equally gifted in a way and you need to assess and evaluate your thoughts and actions to discover it.

In conclusion, we should not fill our lives with jealousy and envy since they are not good emotional states to be in. We should look at other people’s success the right way. We should not only be interested in the milestones they chalked but more importantly the methods they used to get there.

Focus on what is important to you and take massive determined action to make it a reality. Set an inspiring vision and pursue it relentlessly until it is achieved. Invest in life-long learning and also get a mentor to help you along the way as you work towards goal accomplishment. Leverage your strengths for a more positive life.

Yours in inspiration,
Abundant Robert Kwodam AWOLUGUTU
Correction Officer, Priest & Author
Cell: 0208 455 296
Email: [email protected]
